Re: Use of ACRONYM

by Diane Boettcher <dcboet(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 18 Mar 2002 05:54:28 -0800 (PST)
 To:  aware-techniques(at)
 In-Reply-To:  munat
  todo: View Thread, Original

--- "Charles F. Munat" <chas(at)> wrote:
> The U.S. military (maybe militaries worldwide) is
> famous for using 
> acronyms, and they are *always* pronounced as words
> (they are usually 
> much longer than the initials would be). Examples:
> CINCPAC (sink-pack) for Commander-in-chief, Pacific
> fleet
> COMSUBLANT (com-sub-lant) for Commander, Submarine
> Fleet, Atlantic Ocean

While the two examples you cite are definitely
pronounced as words and therefore indisputably
acronyms, the US Military boasts many abbreviations
that are not pronounced as words. 

USMC is always uu-ess-em-sea.  PACFLT is pronounced
pac-fleet, so the abbreviation FLT is pronounced as
the word for which it is an abbreviation.  HQ is h-q,
not huck.  MREs are em-ar-ee, not mree (Meal

The command where I work is alternatively NNOC
(letters = abbreviation) and CNNOC (sin-nock,

This may not be a helpful digression, but I just
wanted to clear this point. 

Regards, Diane
SAIC Contractor in support of NNOC

Diane Boettcher
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