Re: Word Documents on Web Sites

by Youngwilliam325(at)

 Date:  Wed, 15 Dec 1999 12:59:35 EST
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
>I don't want visitors to be able to download the file(s) and modify them for 
>own use.

Regardless of the format that you use, if they go to that page it has been 
downloaded onto their machine. Once there, if it is any sort of text based 
document, they have the ability to manipulate or copy it in some way with the 
text editor of their choice. If you use a graphic they can copy it manually.

Besides why worry about it? (that's a rhetorical question) Anyone with a 
library card can access a thousand different resumes. AND..... with a $69.00 
scanner and the text editor of their choice, can manipulate those as well.

Welcome to the information age.

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