Server Log Question

by "C. A. Milton" <camilton(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 29 Sep 2001 19:37:48 -0400
 To:  <hwg-basics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Does anyone know what the following indicates in a server log (I'm new at
seeing/trying to understand them).  I surfed the web and found that Status
Code 206 means modified (where 200 means Request Completed).  Does this mean
that this one visitor downloaded the file multiple times -- and what does
the term "modified" mean?  I know the log spot after the Status Code means
the number of bytes . . . so it looks like the file was downloaded (and
modified somehow?) many times.

Am just trying to track my downloads, and find this occurs a few times
daily -- don't want to record all this as one single download if it isn't
actually.  Any help is much appreciated    :-)



1768) | - |
[29/Sep/2001:07:11:44 -0400] | "GET /downloads/
HTTP/1.1" | 200 | 0 | - | - | "DA 5.0"

1769) | - |
[29/Sep/2001:07:13:12 -0400] | "GET /downloads/
HTTP/1.1" | 206 | 114910 | - | - | "DA 5.0"

1770) | - |
[29/Sep/2001:07:13:13 -0400] | "GET /downloads/
HTTP/1.1" | 206 | 114910 | - | - | "DA 5.0"

1771) | - |
[29/Sep/2001:07:13:19 -0400] | "GET /downloads/
HTTP/1.1" | 206 | 114910 | - | - | "DA 5.0"

1772) | - |
[29/Sep/2001:07:13:24 -0400] | "GET /downloads/
HTTP/1.1" | 206 | 114912 | - | - | "DA 5.0"

1773) | - |
[29/Sep/2001:07:13:35 -0400] | "GET /downloads/
HTTP/1.1" | 200 | 0 | - | - | "DA 5.0"

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