Re: frames compatibility

by "Paul Wilson" <webgooru(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 29 Nov 2000 09:11:05 -0500
 To:  "Kate Pollara" <kpollara(at)>,
 References:  gte home
  todo: View Thread, Original
> so does this mean that once you get listed you can add frames pages?
> Kate Pollara

No, the next time these SE's reindexed your website they would run into the
frames and automatically kick those pages out... if not the whole website.

Think of it like this, if we have trouble going back and forth building
framed webpages because of this pages withing pages concept, how can we
expect a dumb AI program to be able to get through it.

The SE's that don't support frames just figure it's not worth bogging down
their precious processor time trying to grind their way through framed
pages.  Remember, they want to have as many pages as they can listed.... but
they want accurate data.

Which page do they search for meta tags and important text, the frame page
or the target page.... which target page in multi-framed websites or
portions of a website?  As you can see it can be a hairy concept to nail

Paul Wilson

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