Flooded with e-mails

by "Ted Temer" <temer(at)c-zone.net>

 Date:  Tue, 24 Jul 2001 17:45:55 -0700
 To:  "HWGBASICS" <hwg-basics(at)hwg.org>
 References:  tricreations
  todo: View Thread, Original

For any of us that have had e-mail addresses or web sites for any length of
time, it is amazing how many links and references there will be to us in one
way or another.

I just typed in "bluesarthouse" in the address line of Internet Explorer and
got nearly sixty returns. For "Blue Tapp" there were over 3600 returns. Of
course, not all of the 36 hundred returns were you. But I suspect a whole
bunch of them were. And a whole big bunch of those sites may contain either
a link to one of your sites/pages and/or your e-mail address.

I once tried this with my novels and I could not believe how many people I
have never heard of, actually have links to one or more of my writings. Each
one will eventually lead to a page with my e-mail address posted for all to

Now just imagine some worm crawling through all those and coming up with
links to you. After all, that's pretty close to what a search engine
"crawler" does 24 hours a day--seven days a week.

So you can see why you often get flooded with e-mails whenever someone
broadcasts an e-mail with the ability to multiply. And--It does not even
have to be one of those things we are not allowed to talk about, (even
though it's about a "basic" to web work as you can get!!)

Best wishes
Ted Temer
Temercraft Designs Redding, CA

> To be more clear...I know all about the W32/Sircam virus.  I've read
everything I can find about it and I've deleted every infected file that has
come in and continue to scan my hard drive to be sure so I'm not asking for
links to articles about this worm.  But what I am concerned about is the
sheer numbers of these e-mails that I have received over the past 4 days and
all from different and unfamiliar addresses.  Anyone ever have a similar
> Blue
> Blue Tapp
> Blue's ArtHouse Graphics & Web Design
> 705 North Florissant Road
> Ferguson, MO 63135
> (314) 839-0634
> fax: (314) 839-1557
> e-mail: blue(at)bluesarthouse.com
> alt. e-mail: bluesarthouse(at)mail.com
> url: www.bluesarthouse.com
> "Time to get a web site!"

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