Re: Image Stealing

by "Ciril A. Prasaleff" <Ciril_Presley(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 20 Sep 2000 19:07:42 +0400
 To:  "Captain F.M. O'Lary" <ctfuzzy(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original

>I realize we are from different cultures. Because of that, I would like to
>ask you a question - please.
>In this part of the world, what you are saying is that your friends are
>thieves. They are STEALING other peoples work for their own use.
>What is that called in your culture?
>Standing by,


Why are you tryin' to insult me, my friends and my culture?

I said that some of my friends are usin' this method to <B>design
HTML-pages</B> but I didn't say that they are usin' one to <B>steal</B>
something from the Web! All they're doin' is movin' the browser window to
the graphics editor to test some of their <B>own</B> design ideas
correspondin' to their pages. And all I wanted to say in my message was that
noone image on the Web can be protect. If you wanna to know I'm workin' on
my own site now and there is only one image that "stolen" from the Web -
it's HWG logo.

So don't you want to apologize?

Kirill A. Prasaleff

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