DOCTYPE Question

by "Ted Temer" <temer(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 28 Sep 2000 10:06:33 -0700
 To:  "HWGBASICS" <hwg-basics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Tamara, Fuzzy and anyone else that cares to enlighten an old man ...

First off--let me assure everyone--this is a serious question. I am NOT
trying to prolong a war over DOCTYPE.

My questions come from the historical fact that on this list, at least,
several people--not just Fuzzy--have stated that the DOCTYPE statement just
HAS to be up there on top. (In one form or another.)

However, to the best of my knowledge and/or recollection--and other than
stating which HTML version for the benefit of a Validator, specifically at
W3--nobody has ever--in any way, manner or form--ever said WHY !!

I mean a real, useful WHY. Not a simple, "It has to be there".

So my honest questions are these:

Other than for the use with Validators, what earthly good does the DOCTYPE
statement do?

Is there some actual benefit this line will do for me, for my clients or
those viewing the pages? And here, please don't quote the oft used line
about browsers needing it. It is obvious they don't. But it must do
something for somebody, somewhere??

So. What are these benefits? And--Exactly what code does one use to achieve
these benefits?

Again--these are sincere questions. Please don't refer me to the
incomprehensible tangle of W3. (A woebegone wasteland of school
teacher-isms that would drive even a professor to suicide.) I've been there
many times and my doctor won't prescribe any more tranquilizers.

Best wishes
Ted Temer
Temercraft Designs Redding, CA

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