Re: Site not rendering in Netscape]

by Sharon Elix <saelix1970(at)>

 Date:  27 Sep 99 15:49:17 PDT
 To:  Virginia Blalock <virginia(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Virginia

I can view bits of the site with Netscape Navigator 4.07. I was able to e=
the site, despite the slightly ambiguous alt statement: "Enter if you use=

Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher." I can see the text on the lower level p=
but the font size and type makes it very difficult to read. I'm unable to=
any of the graphics.

As Donna and others have advised, the difficulties you're experiencing in=

viewing this site on NN probably have little to do with IE specific
components. The problem is in the code. NN is fussy about the order of ke=
tags, such as the <body> and <head> tags, and gets downright unpredictabl=
with unclosed and omitted table tags. I haven't gone through the source c=
line by line, but I did notice that in some of the tables, the table row =
<tr> is missing. As O'Reilly's state in "HTML - The Definitive Guide:"

  "The only content allowed within the <table> tag besides the optional
   <caption> tag is one or more <tr> tags, which define each row of table=


I know how particular Netscape is with table tags; forget to close a <tr>=
and nothing is likely to appear on one's page. After numerous occasions o=
looking at a blank screen, this is one thing I've learnt to remember...

I hope this helps.


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