Re: Web graphics to printable graphics

by Sam S-M <sschenkmanmoore(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 13 Apr 2000 15:45:41 -0700 (PDT)
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Here are the two enlargement tips that I've heard:

For enlargement, you are going to get a blurry image
which you can fix a little (no maricales, but
improvement) with Unsharp Mask (try 150%,1,10 or
65%4,3).  Make sure you use Unsharp Mask last in the

[Note: Photoshop 4 is dramatically better at
enlargement than Photoshop 3]

If it's basically a line art graphic, you can bring it
into Adobe Streamline and (attempt to) recreate the
image. If you don't have $125 to blow, you can "trace"
the graphic with the pen tool.

Combinations of these methods work sometimes.

There are other methods too, but these are all I know.


>Does anyone know any good techniques for changing web
graphics to graphics
>suitable for offset printing?  The printer says they
need to be 300dpi and
>tif.  I'm not doing this project (a brochure) but
only consulting on the
>website end of things.  I believe the program that
will be used to put it
>together is Page Maker which I know nothing about. 
If there's any issues
>about exporting and such, please let me know and I'll
forward the info
>All help greatly appreciated.

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