Re: Screen Capture

by Michael Jon Muehlendorf <haoka(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 12 Apr 2000 09:24:12 -0500
 To:  Mamie Woo <seller(at)>,
"hwg-basics(at)" <hwg-basics(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  sellerdoor
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Mamie!

In Win95/98, just hit the "Print Screen" key on your keyboard. An image of
your whole screen will be copied to the Windows clipboard. Open your
favorite image editing program, and do "Edit|Paste...As New Image" (or the
equivalent in your particular software), "File|Save As...'filename.ext'",
where 'filename.ext' is the name you give the file, in whatever file format
you choose from those available to you in your software. Then, you can use
all the tools in your program to do whatever you need to do.

If your browser opens in a sized window, rather than a maximized one,
holding down the "Alt" key and then pressing "Print Screen" will only copy
that window onto the Windows clipboard (providing that your browser window
is the "active" window). Then fire it up in your imaging software, and the
rest is pretty much the same.

BTW...the first time you look at the image, you'll see all the menus,
scroll bars, status bars, etc. that were part of the selected window. You
can use the "Crop Image" feature of your software to trim those off until
you get the image down to just what you want. Good luck!


At 08:48 AM 4/12/00 -0400, Mamie Woo wrote:
>Can somebody help?  My brain is fried ... how does one do a screen
>capture of a web page?

Michael Jon Muehlendorf
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