Re: Scrolling Text Javascript

by "Captain F.M. O'Lary" <ctfuzzy(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 28 Nov 2000 12:41:08 -0500
 To:  "Gwen Harrison,
CW" <hwg(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original
Just a thought Gwen . . .

How about an animated .gif?

If you keep the colors simple, it will compress to a reasonably small file
size and you will have *great* control of most all aspects of it's

As an example . . .

as you will see, the effect is ok, and the file loads PDQ. And . . . you
avoid the "inherent" problems associated with Java and JavaScript.


At 10:56 AM 11/28/00 -0500, Gwen Harrison, CW wrote:
>Last question, I promise. Does anyone know where I can get the code for a 
>scrolling text javascript (or java applet if I can't find a javascript)? I 
>want a box that scrolls the text from bottom to top, and I want to be able 
>to control the position of the box by placing it in the cell of a table. 
>After an extensive search, I found one that fit my needs, except the 
>position of the box was determined by entering measurements from the top 
>and left edges of the screen. I finally gave up trying to precisely 
>position this one out of sheer frustration!
>If I can have different fonts and attributes inside the same box, that 
>would be an added bonus. The script (or applet) would need to be simple to 
>configure, since I'm no expert on javascripts and applets yet.
>TIA again,
>Gwen Harrison, CW
>Life is like a dog sled race - it's more fun if you're the lead dog.
>Lewis Grizzard (paraphrased)
Captain F.M. O'Lary
Somedays it's just not worth chewing through the restraints...

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