Re: graphics

by "Mike O'Lary" <ctfuzzy(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 06 Dec 2000 11:03:16 -0500
 To:  jtrimble(at),
  todo: View Thread, Original

Identifies a file as: Encapsulated Post Script

Think of it as an "all inclusive" file.

Normally, if you create a document (for instance) in a font a viewer does
not have their system will simply substitute a font that *is* on your
system. .eps simply includes ALL the components needed to make a file
"work" right along with the file. So, in this example, the font you
originally selected for the document will be ~included~ with the file.

Now, .eps files can do a **LOT** more than just that simple example, but
the concept is the same regardless of the features actually incorporated in
any particular .eps file.


At 09:08 AM 12/6/00 -0600, jtrimble(at) wrote:
>Dear list members,
>I am looking at a site that offers graphics and many of them have an .eps
>extension.  Does anyone know what that means?

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