Re: Motto

by Kym Jones <kjones(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 21 Feb 2000 08:06:56 -0600
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
 In-Reply-To:  aol
  todo: View Thread, Original


>>Now we have 3 votes :-)
>And another... wish I could get my friends/prospective customers to 
>understand it!

Actually, I think it's 4....I voted "yes" a while back...and I agree with
the comment about the friends/prospective customers.

I had to suddenly return to Australia last November due to the death of my
Mom after three years living in the States (which was heaven on a stick
*grin*) and I'm living in her apartment in a <gasp>..retirement village
where the ages range from 56 thru to 110..haha. The apartment is up for
sale so there is a constant stream of "visitors" and the various people
that are shown through as I'm busily "creating" get introduced to me thus:
"...and this is Kym, she does "something" with that computer". Then with a
sideways glance and a *chortle*..."it's a wonder she doesn't have square
eyes from playing around on that thing all day". These are not all oldies
either, there are plenty of "younguns" that troop though with Mom and Pop
and they look equally bewildered and amused although occasionally, one of
them will say..."Oh, you're making a homepage...I might do that one it difficult ?" :)

Then there are the technologically challenged friends and relatives who
ask..."are you working yet" ? which I generally reply, "hell no, I
get paid to sit here all day and just stare at pretty pictures and type
gobbledegook".  The response?...."gee, it must be nice to just stay home
all day".

I've been working for myself and out of home for more than four or five
years now (I do voiceover/acting as well) and I am kinda used to the "when
are you gonna get a *real* job syndrome. Yes, it's hard work, but it's fun
and I love it. How many can say that about a "real" job :)

I'm not suggesting that this attitude is by any means restricted to
Adelaide, or to Australia...heaven forbid, I should upset anyone...I think
I'm just more "exposed" because of my current situation. If I were trotting
out the door in the mornings and heading for an office somewhere, I would
probably be perceived as actually "working" LOL.

I don't explain anymore...I just smile sweetly and nod a lot :) 

Kym - with another perspective and an aching neck from nodding...*smile*

Never slap a man that is chewin' t'baccy....

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