Re: table support in Mac AOL browser (was: <I tried not to!> <more>)

by Jim <webmaster(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 02 Aug 2000 09:21:01 -0700
 To:  "HTML Basics" <hwg-basics(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  default
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 08:40 PM 8/1/00 , Cindy Stanley,  SSS WebWorks tickled the electrons and 
they aligned themselves to form these words:

>From: Jennifer C. Swartz <eandscon(at)>
> >So my point about the Mac AOL browser not supporting tables
> >to me says, while tables still validate they are not necessarily
> >accessible in all browsers...

and Cindy queries:
>what version of the "Mac AOL browser" do not support tables? Does this
>include the new versions? Is there any upcoming versions that are
>contemplating on supporting tables?

My question is this: What version of HTML was the approved version when AOL 
2.7  for Mac arrived on the scene? (I really have no idea) Were tables part 
of that DTD? I could make the same statement about Netscape 1.2. A page I 
code and validate today to 4.0 transitional that used tables wouldn't look 
too good in that browser. By Jennifer's definition it wouldn't be "accessible".

While Fuzzy's point is well taken (as far as it goes), you have to match 
the client (browser) with the appropriate DTD to avoid Jennifer's dilemma. 
Validated code using the appropriate DTD will generate a page that is 
viewable (again, accessible in Jennifer's words) in any browser client.

Assuming the correct DTD, the page should look the same (same being the 
relative "what did [insert browser of choice here] do to my page now?" we 
always deal with) in any browser. One shouldn't expect a page written and 
validated in 4.0 transitional to look the same in an older browser as 
opposed to a current one.

Just my opinion. That and a $1.50 will buy a cup of coffee nearly 
anywhere.  8^ )

Jim Parsons
phone: (509) 521-5424
fax: (603) 288-0200

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