Re: Opening a new window from a link with target=_blank

by Tamara Abbey <tamara(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 30 Aug 2000 08:49:55 -0500
 To:  "Kate Pollara" <kpollara(at)>,
 In-Reply-To:  home
  todo: View Thread, Original

Most of the links open within the main frame. Then I found *Scarlet* -- ouch!

But, the musicians' pages are definitely opening in a new window that is 
covering up the original window.

Two thoughts come to mind:
A) You could define the size of the window that opens
B) Since you're using frames anyway, why not have them open in the existing 

I'm thinking of my father-in-law here, he has no concept of new windows and 
does not understand about task bars, closing or minimizing windows, etc.


At 08:33 AM 8/30/00 -0400, Kate Pollara wrote:
>I recently put up a page and had several links taking users out of my site
>so I decided to use the following to have the new site open in a separate
><A HREF="" target="_blank">
>Here's the page:
>What I didn't like about the result is that:
>a) when the new window opens it is so large that nearly covers up my page
>making it hard for the user to see that they have not really left the site.
>b) As a result, I myself kept clicking on the back button to get out of it
>only to find that it would keep bringing me back to the same spot.
>c)  I found this more confusing and annoying than helpful.
>Is there a way to control the size of the new window so that the user can
>still see a substantial part of the originating page and not get confused as
>to where they are? Thanks for your ideas.
>Kate Pollara

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