Re: shopping cart w/Paypal?

by Tamara Abbey <tamara(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 30 Aug 2000 20:15:41 -0500
 To:  Karen & Rob Pickel <pegleg(at)>,
"'hwg-basics(at)'" <hwg-basics(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  rapidnet
  todo: View Thread, Original

I have a non-profit that just started using PayPal for memberships. What 
you need to do is find a way to have your order form total the amount and 
then *pay* paypal, but the customer will have to enter the total in there.

If a customer is ordering 20 or more items, you may want to check into the 
viability of a straight merchant account. Much less is probably going to be 
less that satisfactory through PayPal.

While the discount rate is great, it seems like you are asking a little 
more of the program that it was intended to give.

Good luck!

At 03:59 PM 8/30/00 -0600, Karen & Rob Pickel wrote:
>Hi again.....
>I need to set up a shopping cart type of ordering system
>that allows people to pay with a credit card via PayPal.
>I have something called "commerce.cgi" the server has
>loaded but not sure if this will work.  I just need something
>simple that will list about 20 items, allow total qty, then add
>the total $ amt up with shipping but (here is the problem)
>allow the buyer the choice of sending payment via check/MO
>OR credit card via a link to the Paypal site instead of getting a
>merchant account and all .......  Paypal currently has a "business"
>account that allows you to click a "buy now" button on the client's
>site but the customer has to add up the total himself and then enter
>it at PayPal.
>Anyone done this before?  HELP!!????????

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