Re: DISABLE ... why?

by Christopher Higgs <c.higgs(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 08 Nov 2000 13:57:12 +1100
 To:  Andrew Angelopoulos <angelopoulos(at)>,
HWG Basics <hwg-basics(at)>
 References:  yahoo
  todo: View Thread, Original
G'Day Andrew,

At 11:51 4/11/00 -0600, Andrew Angelopoulos wrote:
>In my case, they want buttons for site navigation<great big shrug>....
>Not links, or images, or anything else <again, a great big shrug>
>Sometimes, you just can't change a person's opinion.
>The disabled button will indicate location (like an off color link).
>To respond to your question, I *believe* that some people have mixed
>DISABLED with a little JavaScript to prevent users from submitting prior to
>filling in a form.

If you were "filling in a form" - I'd suggest replacing the submit button 
with a graphic.  I'd use an OnChange to validate the fields and swap the 
image.  The status should also prevent submission if not valid.

NB: this only works on JS enabled browsers.

For menus - you should be able to achieve a similar effect using CSS.

NB: this only works in latest browsers.

Chris Higgs <c.higgs(at)>
Institute of Land and Food Resources
University of Melbourne

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