Re: mouseovers

by Tamara Abbey <tamara(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 30 Nov 2000 16:17:18 -0600
 To:  "Phil Babcock" <pbabcock(at)>,
"html list" <hwg-basics(at)>
 References:  abbeyink abbeyink2
  todo: View Thread, Original
Phil -- good question!

I've used several different mouseovers and most have worked with various 
levels of success. I used to primarily use the one from Larry Coates, but 
even that one would occasionally *hang up* or have a glitch here and there.

I primarily worked with PPK's mouseovers because I was doing an SSI navbar 
and I wanted a 3rd image to show that the viewer was on the page already 
instead of showing it as a still-active link -- yeah, I'm a little picky -- 
and PPK's script easily converts to that third level with the addition of a 
body onload event. It also helped that PPK worked with me and could explain 
things so someone js-imparied like me could get it to work.

Also, with the fun-n-games of XHTML, PPK's script /still/ worked, validated 
and it works quick and fast.

I don't have any working examples of the third level -- that project has 
been sitting in the pending basket for so long I'll have to charge them 
storage fees -- but in a demo area, this script just worked.

And, it worked real fast regardless of what I used to access it.

Your script may be absolutely fantastic, I just hadn't seen it until now 
so, I'm going to stick with PPK's script -- if it ain't broke . . .


At 04:22 PM 11/30/00 -0500, Phil Babcock wrote:
>Maybe I am missing something, but I really don't see why scripts like the 
>one on PPK's excellent site are necessary... can anyone explain what a 
>script like that has over doing it inline like I have done above?

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