Re: NN6 Doctype question

by Tamara Abbey <tamara(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 18 Dec 2000 17:42:45 -0600
 To:  MEovino(at),
 In-Reply-To:  express
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 03:56 PM 12/18/00 -0500, MEovino(at) wrote:

>Why is it that when I use the following doctype on a page
><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
>    "">
>There are big spaces between the images and the right and bottom edges of 
>their table cells. This page uses that 
>doctype. However, when I use this doctype Everything works fine. This page 
> uses that doctype. I 
>know that NN6 works differently depending upon the doctype, but there 
>shouldn't be anything seriously wrong with that first page. If I take out 
>the illegal topmargin, leftmargin, marginheight, marginwidth attributes 
>from body and the table cell background images from the two cells that use 
>them, the page validates but still does not display as I'd hope.

This is just a theory Mike, but it might have to do with the fact that 
you're not telling NN 6.0 /not/ to do that.

 From what I understand -- and you might want to check in over at 
techniques too since Peter-Paul Koch is really researching and working on 
some of these issues -- NN 6 will try to /literally/ implement the code as 
you tell it to through the DTD.

I'm sorry I can't help any more, but there are also some links to resources 
about NN 6 and how it's interpreting these things that I received from the 
techniques list. I just haven't read them all yet -- sorry!

Again, just a guess but I hope it helps a little bit??


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