Re: ListServ

by Tamara Abbey <tamara(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 14 Mar 2001 14:14:31 -0600
 To:  Bobbie Oese-Siegel <oese(at)>,
 In-Reply-To:  flare
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 01:16 PM 3/14/01 -0500, Bobbie Oese-Siegel wrote:
>This question is a little off the beaten path, which just goes to
>underscore my novice status.  thanks for reading on.
>     * I need beginners advice on starting up a listserve
>     * I have already  visited majordomo auto software site, can pull out
>the highlights for me, (like making a map of the major routes first)?


hmmmm, good question and hopefully someone has a better answer. My initial 
reaction is to try something like Yahoo's mail lists (formerly eGroups, 
formerly something else). It does mean putting up with their ads and 
off-site branding, but it is fairly easy to run and administer. I've been 
looking for various mail lists and bulletin board scripts and so forth, but 
most of them are a little /too/ interesting to decipher and employ.

If you really want to try going it on your own, you might try hunting 
around and .

Hotscripts has scripts in just about every language ever and it will give 
you an idea of what's possible.

BigNoseBird is perl/cgi based and offers pretty good tutorials and forums 
to support their scripts.

Good luck!

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