Re: Case sensitive url's are dumb, aren't they?

by Floyd Baker <fbaker(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 24 Jun 2000 20:09:05 -0400
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
 References:  4ax webgraffix
  todo: View Thread, Original

I also have to get used to this list that reply's not to the list but to the
individual.   I keep answering the group and they go to one person.  
I'll try again....

Thanks for the emails guys...  

Looks like I have to bite the bullet doesn't it.  
Glad I didn't really argue with the isp guy.  
Thought he was being difficult.   :-)    

I understand ascii upper and lower needing specific numbers to be so, but didn't
think anyone would dare to use the same names, depending on case alone to
separate them.  Do they??    Like for changing a display using a case change?
O.K. that it's too much trouble to "fix" such a little area, when the rest of
the system works that way, with probably *some* good reason like having more
available characters, etc.   

Didn't seem to have this problem with the previous isp but I guess I'll just
have to start adjusting...  Thanks again for explaining.   


On Sat, 24 Jun 2000 14:48:28 -0400, you wrote:

>URL's are case sensitive after the root ( URL.
>should return the same page regardless of whether or not it is typed
> or  However, any URL's after the trailing
>backslash are always case sensitive.  The ISP should be setup to look for a specific
>order of files to bring up as the *index* file.  (It usually looks for index.html
>first, then index.htm, then maybe index.shtml, etc. )
>If you want your URL to return the index page regardless of the case, this file must
>be modified to include the spelling/case in its list.
>Bottom line, IHMO, I think your *ISP guy* is correct.
>On UNIX servers, this is accomplished by the following code in the .htaccess file:
>***** Begin code*****
>DirectoryIndex index.html Index.html index.shtml
>*****  End code *****
>This would then look for index.html first, then Index.html if index.html were not
>found, etc.
>This may not really answer your question, but maybe it will shed some light.
>Keith D Sellars
>Floyd Baker wrote:
>> Sorry if this is off topic as to html itself but I thought, 'cause it was the
>> media in which it works, that it would be close enough?
>> I have a new isp that is set up so a url has to be typed *exactly* as it is in
>> his server.  I mean, it you type Index instead of index, you won't get the page.
>> I see this with directories, gifs, etc.   Everything has to match the calling
>> case...    Isn't that a bit dumb?   I'm probably not seeing the whole picture
>> here but the isp guy says everything should be done in lower case...  Sure
>> *would* solve everything if there *wasn't* another case to worry about, but net
>> fusion, etc. keeps throwing in that big stuff...
>> Can someone shed some light on this so I don't blame my isp guy unfairly.  Why
>> is there case sensitivity and should it/can it be eliminated?
>> Floyd Baker
>> --


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