reducing a large image

by Lori Eldridge <lorel(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 30 Apr 2000 09:49:03 -0700
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi All,

I have had a problem reducing large images down to thumbprints. I read all=
 of the recent posts on the thumbprint thread but none of those suggestions=
 helped. Some of the images are larger than my 15 inch screen and I need to=
 get them down to less than 200 pixels wide and about 80 high (I am cutting=
 extraneous stuff out of the image first). Even smaller images such as the=
 one I am referring to below have the same problem. These are all images of=
 cars and wherever there is chrome or a shiny reflection  these lines get=
 distorted when they are reduced. I am using Fireworks2 and also have=
 PhotoshopLE that I can use. I have an example online that you can look at=
 to see my problem.

The original photo (from a CD):

The one I reduced with distorted lines:

Here is what I did. I opened the photo in Fireworks2, chose export, reduced=
 the size to 200 pixels wide, and then saved as jpg. If I'm missing a step=
 somewhere please let me know.

I tried to find a Fireworks email list but none available.

I would appreciate any advice you can give me.



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