Re: Cookie Free Site?

by "PG Music Inc." <webmaster(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 28 Mar 2000 11:04:13 -0800
 To:  <hwg-business(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Sounds to me like your client is not deferring to your expertise.  If you're
unable to convince them to stay put with cookies with logic, then outline
the costs in dollars for the switch.  Include all possible server reconfig,
your time, software purchases, etc.  Pointing out that a change will cost
$5000 US, plus a poorer user experience at the site, might convince them
otherwise.  The non-cookie ideas are good, but hardly as slick, and require
many more CPU cycles, and in some cases rely on other sites, which may be
down, or a poor connection, etc.   End result:  trying to protect the user
ends up getting the user shafted.
BTW, we all know a user can turn off cookies themselves.  They can also wipe
the cookies file out.  Since we started using cookies for commerce a few
years ago, I've received exactly ZERO complaints about cookies.  Educate!

David Godfrey
Web Decorator/Developer

> I have explained what my client does with their site does
>not correlate to what the media hype is about but they don't care. Cookies
>are evil, they are bad, etc.

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