Re: Promotion Woes

by Jan Theodore Galkowski <jtgalkowski(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 28 Feb 2000 21:10:57 -0500
 To:  "linque" <linque(at)>
 Cc:  <hwg-business(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  earthlink
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 08:03 PM 02/28/2000 -0500, linque wrote:
>I have two really good clients.  One is a florist and one is a gift basket
>company.    I've called several "professional" web site promotors, and they
>all evade me, telling me that the competition is way too difficult.
>OK.  I am not an *expert* on all the   ways of promoting within the search
>engines, banner ads, etc. although I'm perfectly aware of how they=
>What's so interesting is that no one will accept the work.   Now the
>question to this message board is   "What would YOU do?"    Look harder for
>a "specialist"       or......     tackle this yourself??
>     BTW, The clients are willing to spend some money.. not hundreds of
>thousands of dollars, but a reasonable amount to advertise, assuming there
>is *SOME* return on their advertising dollar.

Well, Linque, whether the Web is for the clients or not is really=20
a business decision that only the clients can truly make.  You can
point out the advantages, etc.

In some areas, like bread and breakfasts and hotels, I've heard principals
say that, around here, for B&Bs, they get 80% of their reservations via
the Web.  The Statler at Cornell University has similar experience, although
I do not have the numbers.

However, clients need to realize the the mix of competition in the Web=
is different than in the person-to-person IRL market.  Nonetheless, many
businesses, big and small, have decided that they need to be in the Web
market in case the other shrivels, and so it is part of the cost of keeping
up with the market, not some expensive thing that needs to be justified=20
in payback immediately.

Perhaps there are some businesses and markets which are sufficiently
insular that this is not necessary.  But, it seems to me, there are fewer
and fewer of those every week.

 Jan Theodore Galkowski   =B0o=B0   (:-)}        demiourgos(at)   jtgalkowski(at)
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