RE: Two Sites

by "Atticus Longwalker" <lngwlkr(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 13 Jan 1999 22:58:03 -0600
 To:  "HWG_Critique" <hwg-critique(at)>,
"Kelly Williamson" <webcrafts(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  oemcomputer
  todo: View Thread, Original
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Ok, bad first:

1. Dont like that graphic for the title of the company.  Very distracting
and irritating.

2. On the left side of the page theere seems to be an empty column. Is this
for a future nav bar?  If not it seems like a waste of space.

3. I personally dont think you need to tell the person to click on a link to
get to what they want to see of the site.

4. On any page other than the main page, the logo ect. cannot be read
because of the bordered background you are using.

5. If you are going to make a nav bar on the left, I would recommend using
it on the splash page too.  W/o it and the background on the main page, the
site does not give a good feel of continuity.

6. Main page the contact info you have at the bottom is centered.  all other
pages it is in the center of the white space, not the center of the page.

7. You allow an active link to go to the page you are already on in the nav
bar.  You may want to think about changing this and maybe have a different
(slightly) button for the currently viewed page.

8. Code in on all pages... I am guessing you made one page and used it as a
template because all pages except index page have two <./head> tags.

Good Stuff:

1. Easy to get around.

2. most pages except for index page load quickly.

3. text outside of the bordered background is easy to read.
Atticus Longwalker

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-hwg-critique(at) [mailto:owner-hwg-critique(at)]On
> Behalf Of Kelly Williamson
> Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 1999 2:38 PM
> To: HWG-Critique
> Subject: Two Sites
> The second is at:
> This person was looking for a clean, uncluttered site.

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