RE: Critique for

by "Atticus Longwalker" <lngwlkr(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 8 Jun 1998 12:52:40 -0500
 To:  "'HWG Critique List'" <hwg-critique(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
d/l time took about 10 seconds which isnt bad with that marvelous picture
you have up.  Index page is layed out very nice, but the font you have to
link to other areas is a bit diificult to read because the "U"'s blend in
with the surrounding characters.

To me resumes are boring unless there is a cup of coffee holding it down, so
all I will say about the resumes page is it also loaded in about 10 seconds.

The fun room took about 14 seconds to load.

The portfolio page took around 7 seconds to load.  The gallery 2 list was
half a line lower than the gallery 1 list.  Was this intentional?

Overall very nice, good loading times, nice clean layout, easy to navigate.

I am using IE4, and am connected at 56 k


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-hwg-critique(at) [mailto:owner-hwg-critique(at)]On
Behalf Of Kevin Dail
Sent: Monday, June 08, 1998 11:12 AM
To: hwg-critique(at)
Subject: Critique for

I posted this friday night as all of you were going home and got 2
responses. I would like to try again.
I am trying to get more business-like and less home-page-like. I have
dropped the counter, the webrings and the dark backgrounds. I think it
looks pretty clean.
Please tell me about download time, layout, quality, content and any
opinions or suggestions.I am curious as to how it looks in browsers other
than NN4, which is all I have.
Thanks for your time.

Best Regards,

Kevin John Dail
Digital Imagery

Member HTML Writers Guild
Quality Images and Trivia Challenge at:

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