Need critique/help

by "mike jackson" <mjackson(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 6 Aug 1998 23:55:47 -0700
 To:  <hwg-critique(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
i need help/critique with a site i've been trying to design for a possible
online store selling Magic: The Gathering singles. here's the thing: i
debugged the javascript (other than one known glitch on the check basket
page with the remove buttons) while it was running from my hard drive in
IE4.01. when i uploaded it to my ISP and ran it from there, it locked up IE.
i'm darn near at the end of my rope. i may ditch the concept if it doesn't
work properly. i'd really appreciate any help and critiques you can provide.
here's the address:

the javascript runs from external files, so check out search.js,
allcards.js, and ordering.js for the javascript source.

:) mike

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