Re: Macintosh

by "Carol Parent" <parent(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 14 Feb 1999 07:18:17 -0800
 To:  "htmlcritique" <hwg-critique(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
I got two diff responses to my inquiry on my graphic prob. For one person it
lined up great for another it cut off the border.  This is the html code.
Does anyone see why it would be throwing itself out of line on one computer
and browser and not another?

<div align="center"><center>

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
    <td width="100%" valign="middle" align="center"><p align="center">
    <applet CODE="Lake" width="479" height="300" alt="Remer Docks Logo">
      <param name="image" value="dockslogo.gif"></center> <center><font
size="5">Oh dear - no Java!!!!</font></center> <center><img
src="dockslogo.gif" width="479" height="168" alt="Remer Docks
</center></div><div align="center"><center>

(origional message)

>Carol Parent wrote:
>> Would someone with a Macintosh and Netscape pls look at
>> and tell me if the graphic is cutting off the top of the border of the
>> background.  ..snip.. Regards,
>> Carol Parent

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