A quick look please: http://1stdomains.co.uk

by "Nico Morrison" <nmorrison(at)micronicos.com>

 Date:  Thu, 15 Jul 1999 20:38:23 +0100
 To:  <hwg-critique(at)hwg.org>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Critiques,

I've never done this before except to ask a couple of friends to have a

The site is UK commercial, selling UK (& US) domain name registrations &
web hosting in London, England.

So it's supposed to load fast & have reliable rollovers and look & feel the
same in ALL browsers! And have an easy registration form with reliable
essential data validation (Javascript).

What a hope Eh.  But I wrote it all myself and did most of the images, so
it's only me that will take the flak.

If someone could take a look I'd be grateful.

Nico Morrison - Director
Micronicos Limited
London, UK.

1st Domains UK
+44 (0) 181 870 8849 (voice/fax)
+44 (0) 7803 101 521 (mobile)
Domain name registration and web space hosting
Website Design, Marketing, Monitoring and Promotion
Search Engine Optimisation - Higher Site Rankings

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