personal site critique

by MitsuMiko(at)

 Date:  Sun, 20 Dec 1998 19:00:21 EST
 To:  hwg-critique(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original

I'm just an everyday person with an everyday personal homepage, and even
though it isn't commercial nor does it contribute immensely to the online
community, I still would like to get some tips on how to improve my site.
I've been working with a new look, but its looking very awkward to me right
now, and its probably cuz of the weird box next to the text.  For some reason
on paper the page looked okay.  I don't have too much content on there yet,
well, actually no content at all really, but I'm working on it... but anyways,
here are some stuff I would like to get comments on:

1.  navigation (I'm not into frames)
2.  load time (it's pretty graphic intensive, since its a personal site, how
much would it matter?)
3.  over-all aesthetic appeal (is it too cluttered?  not uniform enough?)
4.  content potential (since mostly I only have the ideas, but not too much of
the content... and yes, I know content will make or break a site, but being a
student, I don't have much time, and since designing comes more easily to me i
focus on that first...;^) )
5.  whatever else you guys would like to comment on....     

a note:  I'm really addicted to this webpage making thing, and I'm
contemplating going into web design, so that is a reason why I'm asking for a

wells, thanks for your time!  

liz :)

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