RE: Adobe Livemotion?

by "Gary Barber" <gazbe(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 7 Mar 2000 19:48:19 +0800
 To:  <hwg-graphics(at)>
 Cc:  "Thia" <drakaina(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  pair
  todo: View Thread, Original

Well personally after having used flash for three years and put up with some
of its limitations, I have found that LiveMotion is breath of fresh air, but
also a little different. That said, if you are looking at complex games or
interactive site design then Flash is still the leader in its use of
scripting at the back end.

If you already have AI and PS (especialy 5.5) then LM does slot into these
applications very well. Much like Freehand 9, Fireworks and Flash.

The SWF object it produces is compact and about the same size as a Flash SWF
file of the same design (in the simple tests I have done).  Yes it has a lot
more effects and functionality on the object itself (on the timeline) but
the true nature of the Vector library item (like in Flash) has been replaced
by an object oriented approach, this may cause larger files on complex

I don't think it supports Postscript, but neither does Flash (this is pain
sometimes - are you both listening - Adobe and MM).

Now you may find that Adobe will offer a crossgrade to LM.  However note
that Adobe is really after the non Flash people that have found Flash "just
too hard" to use.

That said,  the HTML that LM generates is a little tainted (like its brother
ImageReady's HTML).  This area could be improved.  This is an area that
Macromedia could use to their advantage.

BTW ADOBE ask no more than Macromedia does for a download.


> Does anyone have any comments about Adobe LiveMotion?
> Would it be worth getting - if one already has Photoshop,
> Illustrator, and Flash 4? Gee, they ask a lot just to download a
> free beta....  :P
> <name> Thia </name> <email> drakaina(at) </email>
> <construction> </construction>
> <mr.teapot> The word "human" is derived from the Venusian
>   slang term "hgummin," which means stupid, petty, short-
>   sighted, and tentacle-deficient. </mr.teapot>

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