Problems solved

by "Dusty" <designsbydusty(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 22 Jun 2002 08:49:27 -0500
 To:  <hwg-graphics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original

Well, I got home late last night, after being gone all day, and found
several suggestions waiting for me as to what to do with my page to get it
to appear correctly. This morning I sat down and went through them all, in
the order in which they arrived. I am happy to say that, after several
changes, the page now displays correctly.

I want to say that I had not yet gotten around to checking how the page
appeared in any browser other than my own IE6. This was where I noticed the
problem. This morning, I did go to Netscape and let out a big "ACK!",
because the page looked even worse than it did in IE. Jacqueline's message
was first, and she suggested that I add some attributes to the body tag
regulating the margin. I already had the topmargin, rightmargin, and
leftmargin attributes listed......I honestly don't know where Jacqueline got
the code that she quoted in her message, because it was not the code that I
put on my page, nor was it there when I checked it. Anyway, adding the
marginheight and marginwidth attributes fixed the problem in my IE, but not
in NN.

So, on to the second message. Cindy gave me a suggestion on how to revise
the table. This worked wonderfully well. It also solved another question
that I had, about getting the text to start just below the top border,
instead of below the image. Now the page looked great on both IE and
Netscape. (And Opera, too, btw.)

Lisa also made the suggestion about adding the marginal attributes, and I
thank her for that, even though I got Jacqueline's suggestion first. Great
minds think alike, apparently.

Claus suggested I take the page to the validator, to see if that showed any
problems. I could not get into the w3 validator this morning, for some
reason, so I used the one at NetMechanic. It told me that I was using some
proprietary and unsupported attributes (the marginal ones.....I left them
in, because otherwise the page didn't look right), and also informed me that
I had not closed the <.div> tag. So, I went back and did that. More

Heiner suggested that I try setting up the page using CSS. Now, I don't have
anything against CSS, I just have never used them before, and I want to
spend a lot of time studying them and their implementation before I try them
out. A very good suggestion, but one that I just didn't feel capable of
trying out yet. (Although if I hadn't gotten the page to work any other way,
I might have tried it.)

Brenda also had some suggestions about how to change the table. However,
since by now the page was working, I didn't want to risk tinkering with it
any more. These suggestions may have worked also, I don't know.

Anyway, thanks to everyone for their help. It was greatly appreciated. It's
also nice to know that there are so many people out there who are willing to
offer their time and expertise when asked.


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