Re: Transparent Drop Shadows

by "Comharsa" <comharsa(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 19 Jun 2000 00:31:11 +0100
 To:  <hwg-graphics(at)>
 References:  usc
  todo: View Thread, Original
>From: "Anthony McLin"
>I couldn't help "overreading" this thread, but if I remember correctly, the
>more recent builds of Mozilla (16 or 17? I can't remember which) is
>to be able to have PNG alpha channel support.  I don't know if it is the
>build that NN6p1 is based on or not.  HTH!

I have just run a quick test on this and IE5, NS4.7, Opera 4 beta, and NS 6
preview don't support it. Mozilla M16 however, does.

M16 is the latest milestone release of Mozilla (at least it was a couple of
days ago). NS 6 Preview was, I think, based on M13.


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