Re: Royalty Free

by lonna(at) (Lonna Poland)

 Date:  Mon, 19 Oct 1998 12:45:22 -0500
 To:  <hwg-graphics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Do the clips have to literally SAY "royalty free" on the box or in the
paperwork?  I guess what I'm asking is, there are a lot of clip art
collections out there and most of them say not for commercial purposes.  But
what does this mean exactly?  I know it means that you can't use the
collection for commercial gain, or display the graphics to sell in another
collection.  But these must be royalty free, or they wouldn't be out there
for sale in large collections...right?  I can't imagine that they are paying
the artists royalties for every image in these huge collections every time
someone buys the software.

My question is... isn't it possible to pick the occasional image from these
collections that we buy, and use them for stationary or newsletters or
business cards for a client?  After all, the designs on these items are
ours, we are just using a piece of artwork that we payed for in the
commercial collection.

>As long as the graphics say "royalty-free" then they are yours to use
>anywhere.  This *does not* mean that you can sell them, make illegal copies
>of the CDs, etc.

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