Re: My sincere apologies

by "Ted" <Ted.Lontine(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 15 Nov 2001 13:53:02 -0700
 To:  "Carl L. Steplock III" <cls(at)>,
"Susan Sawatzky" <Susan(at)>,
 References:  spadata
  todo: View Thread, Original
Atta boy Carl !!!

Ted Lontine | MT3 Solutions� | Brighton, Colorado
303.252.7899 | Ted.Lontine(at) |

> No aplologies are required for asking a VERY SENSIBLE and CORRECT question.
> We are not all "chicken-Little socialist the-sky-is-falling" on here.
> You people, who jumped her case for this basic question, are too paranoid.
> New people have to learn somewhere...either you simply ask those who you
> believe are more knowledgeable and helpful (bet ya she won't any more) or
> you spend hours searching site to site to get the SAME INFORMATION (possibly
> even from the same people)!
> But is someone asked me the same question, I would say:
> I charge $65/hour  but if it's simple basic web pages (FrontPage, etc)
> $50/page with simple graphics, pictures, they provide the text, etc.  When I
> was learning, I figured that 1/2 my time was being used by me learning..I
> did not charge for my training.
> But this is me, in a small city/large town 35,000.  I've seen $1000/page and
> up in other locations.  Discussing my price with the $1000/page guys is NOT
> illegal...I would never charge that much, and I guarantee that the
> $1000/page guy is NOT going to lower his to my level.  If the
> 'politically-correct" crowd wants me arrested for that...let 'em try.
> What is ILLEGAL is if everyone on the mail group were discussing making a
> set price for everyone to charge...and that has limitations.
> If everyone is a paid member of the guild...the guild could have in the
> rules/regulations of the guild, that every member must charge $1000/page or
> be kicked out.  That is NOT illegal...franchises do it all the time..prices
> are set for all members...don't like it, get out.

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