Re: Gif translates differently in IE3

by "Joop Engelander" <joopeng(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 9 Apr 1998 20:34:23 +0200
 To:  "Pete Jacobsen" <fluidweb(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original

Hi Pete,

No problem with MSIE 4. It looks great and it's a fast loader. Beautiful and

- Joop

>I recently designed a looping animated black-transparent gif for my web
>design page. It's a 3D text logo with an inverted "watery" reflection.
>It animates perfectly in all versions of Netscape (Including 4.0),
>however, in MSIE 3.02, 1 of the 5 frames seems to be shifted 1 pixel to
>the right, and another seems to be vertically compressed by 1 pixel. In
>all of my other animation programs it works fine. I am not sure if this
>problem occurs in MSIE 4 (Could someone please test?) I am wondering if
>it has something to do with the large palette (99 colours) or the frame
>translations that I coded in Gif Construction Set.

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