Re: Transparency

by "Cindy Stanley" <stanleysupport(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 28 Aug 1999 20:28:08 -0400
 To:  <hwg-graphics(at)>,
"sll" <sll(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
From: sll <sll(at)>
>Marilyn, in regard to paint shop pro and setting the colour
transparency, I
>have tried that and cannot seem to get it to work. Thanks for your info
>though *s*

What color do you want the bg of the image? And what color are you
trying to make transparent?

I downloaded your bike pic to work with it, and if you use the magic
wand, and select under the bike, with whatever color you want your
bgcolor to be selected as the bgcolor in your palette, then hit delete.
Magic wand select the other part of the bg image on bike, making sure
you still have the correct bgcolor selected in your bgcolor palette, and
hit delete again. This will give you a solid bgcolor in the image (you
may have to touch up some of the edges after using the magic wand). Then
select Colors, from top of psp, and choose Set palette transparency, and
select Set the transparency value to the current background color.

Cindy K. Stanley

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