Re: Who are you folks--reality check?

by Chris Messina <cmessina(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 08 Mar 1998 16:06:39 -0500
 To:  hwg-graphics(at)
 In-Reply-To:  erols
  todo: View Thread, Original
>What has been lacking the most in these cases?  Design.  Simply put. DESIGN.

I couldn't agree more. While I see Shay's point about giving credit for the
attempt, I think that the business of web design has been proliferated with
people searching out a niche or at least some new and unique hobby. 

I used to collect baseball cards for the players on the cards--not for what
the cards were necessarily worth. In terms of webdesign, many have gotten
into the "business" to perhaps justify their newfound hobby and not for
whatever money might be involved. I will not dispute the "heart" of
professional designers, but I imagine that those who approach webdesign as
non- or semi-professionals are more in it for the experience and to feel
pride in the fact that technology has not scared them off than for any
financial incentives or benefits they may reap from establishing themselves
in the website business community.

I'll give credit to all those who are willing to get their fingers tight
and their wrists cramped to wrestle with the omnipotent forces of Photoshop
and Homesite. However, professional webdesign should be left to the
professionals--those with an understanding of design concepts and art
principals. I'm not taking art electives in high school for my health--I
want to understand what I'm doing and appreciate what the other "pros" do
so well. We all have something to learn from each other, regardless of our
talents, and I'm glad that this list exists to provide the meeting ground
for the multi-faceted members of the Internet community.

Chris Messina
Webmaster -|- Sandstorm Publishing

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