Re: general question re PHP OOP support

by Kathy Wheeler <kathyw(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 6 Jan 2002 06:55:13 +1100
 To:  David Mintz <mambomintz(at)>,
 References:  yahoo
  todo: View Thread, Original

> I've written a fairly complex PHP/MySQL application
> that manages the schedule for the New York City
> federal court interpreters office, where I'm a staff
> interpreter. 
> The good news is, it works pretty damn well indeed

Wow. Sounds impressive.

> Meanwhile, I've studied some OOP with Perl, and have
> taken a course in Java that emphasizes OOP design
> principles,

I've not done much in OOP, but from what I've read it's almost like a browser 
or OS war thingie - there are those who love it and think it should be the 
ONLY way to program, and those who hate it and feel it's a total WASTE of 
time. In between are those who use what best fits a particular application.

I'd be cautious of diving in totally OOP, especially if what you have 
currently works well. Why don't you take the path of least resistance in the 
first instance, write your replacement functions, tidy up existing functions 
and code etc? Sounds like you already have a handle on what should be looked 
at :)

> Chunks of code are
> repeated that should be in functions, functions recur
> that should be stored in external libraries, things
> are pasted and patched together in an ad hoc,
> improvisatory way.


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