Re: Difference between class and id

by "Ineke van der Maat" <inekemaa(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 28 May 2002 23:52:40 +0200
 To:  "Scott Norman" <Mokele(at)>,
 References:  mac
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hello Scott,

Yes you are right. It is not always possible to avoid span, see your examples
below used as inline-element when changing colors or expressing something as a
warning  (perhaps is strong here a better element? But that is a personal
preference I believe.) within a paragraph.

When I finish coding a site, I always overlook the code whether I can avoid
superfluous elements, especcially span tags with their classes by putting their
classes in another element. Sometimes it is possible, sometimes not. I always
try to code as compact as possible.


> <p id="msg1" class="info">some text goes. Then <span class="warning>warning
> message goes here</span> then back to some other text.</p>
> <p>some text here. <span class="red">red text goes here.</span><span
> class="yellow>yellow text here.</span> Now back to regular text.</p>
> Scott

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