RE: Email HTML

by "David R. Longnecker" <davidl(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 1 Jul 2001 10:46:10 -0500
 To:  "'Robert Clendaniel'" <robert(at)>
 Cc:  "Hwg-Techniques" <hwg-techniques(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  baylogic
  todo: View Thread, Original
Good morning Robert!

There is a way for Outlook 2000 to create a personalized stationary.
When I send HTML email, it matches my letterhead, complete with logo and
titles at the top, watermark in the background, and footer with contact
information.  Here's the easiest way to do it:

1. Create an HTML file in DreamWeaver or FrontPage or something and make
it look exactly like how you want it.  The easiest way is to create
tables with the stretch to 100% both directions.  Keep the centre cell
free for where you type your body text.  Also, upload all of your
graphics to a web server.  You MUST have absolute paths or everyone
won't see your graphics. =o)  I have a directory on my server that
stores all the graphics for clients that I've created HTML stationary

2. Go into Outlook and go to _TOOLS_, --Options, and then the 'Mail
Format' tab.

3. Change the following settings:
	a. Compose in HTML format
	b. (DO NOT use MS Word as your e-mail editor unless you have a
very 		fast machine--it takes forever to load.)
	c. Click the Stationary Picker button.
	d. Okay.. then create a NEW stationary and name it "My
Stationary" or 		whatever.
	e. Then select the last option to 'Use this file as a template'
and 		select the HTML file you created.
	d. Adjust the fonts to what you want and press OK.
	e. Apply, and OKAY to get outta that menu.  Then try to create a
new 		e-mail message... it should have your stationary that
you 			created.

Hope this helps!


David R. Longnecker
ActiveMatrix Solutions

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-hwg-techniques(at) [mailto:owner-hwg-techniques(at)]
On Behalf Of Robert Clendaniel
Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2001 2:58 AM
To: hwg-techniques(at)
Subject: RE: Email HTML

Many thanks to all the folks who pitched in to help me find a way
to do HTML email.

It turns out that, for some reason, my Outlook2K won't allow me
to specify a file for "wallpaper" which is the way I should be
able to specify an HTML file for the body of the message.

The good news is that Outlook Express does it easily.  So we can
just use that.

Thanks again everybody!!


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