RE: multi-lingual website

by "John Woram" <john(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 5 Jul 2002 12:19:41 -0400
 To:  "Amy Nottingham" <anottingham(at)>,
"HWG techniques" <hwg-techniques(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  topazti
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Amy,

I'm working on an English/French/German site too. It's still in the
beginning stages, but I'm setting up three folders--one for each
language. Each folder contains the content for that language, and each
folder contains its own INDEX.HTM file. This file shows the home page
in the appropriate language, plus flag icons to switch to the other
two languages. Shared files (images, buttons, for example) are stored
in a separate folder, so they don't have to be duplicated for each

I'll write the English-language content and put a copy in each of the
three language folders. Then someone else will translate the English
into French (or German), but leave the tags intact. If there's an
easier way, somebody please tell me before I hurt myself<g>.

If you want to see the first stage of all this, it's here:

For the moment, *only* the icons on the left side are enabled, and the
flag icons switch the page from one language to another. The buttons
on the right change as you hover over them, but don't do anything yet.

Let me know if any of this might work for your site.

John Woram

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