by "John Woram" <john(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 21 Jul 2002 18:46:05 -0400
 To:  "Gary Krockover" <gary(at)>,
"HWG techniques" <hwg-techniques(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  win2kadvser
  todo: View Thread, Original
Gary Krockover wrote: "the form itself won't pull the data that
corresponds to each of the 3 columns out of a database or storage

Right, but if each input section (or more likely, a set of select
options) returns a value, then you can "build" a file name from the
values selected. So an "A" + "B" + "C" selection can become an
"ABC.HTM" string, and then a can open a file with that
name in a new window--or in the same window, as needed. Of course
there needs to be a file named ABC.HTM available. That should work,
assuming the client already has a set of files with various names, and
wants to open one of them based on the viewer's selections. It's not
fancy, but it works.

John Woram

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