Re: trouble convincing client of ecommerce security requirements

by "Mike Taylor" <lonewolf(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 5 Mar 2002 20:11:14 -0500
 To:  <hwg-techniques(at)>
 References:  assistance
  todo: View Thread, Original
> To date not a single credit card number has been documented as stolen
> through
> the- e-mail process.  However, servers which store databases have been
> attacked/hacked and broken into.

Huh?  That's about as untrue as it gets.  E-mail has NEVER been a secure
means of transmission --you can delete your email on your system and the
sender can delete his copy and there will STILL be copies of it available on
every mail server it touched going from the source to the destination.  If
this guy thinks there aren't any documented cases of emails being
intercepted, he hasn't used a search engine properly.

His logic is akin to saying : "To date not a single person carrying a wallet
has been a victim of purse snatching.....however, people who carry purses
get purse-snatched all the time..."  Well, does that mean that if you don't
carry a purse it's impossible to get robbed?!?

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