Fw: Fw: hwg-techniques: QUESTION: In PSP 6, how Do I Get the Side Tool BarBack?

by "Buddy Harris" <bharris(at)stny.rr.com>

 Date:  Wed, 19 Apr 2000 22:05:47 -0400
 To:  "HWG Email List" <hwg-techniques(at)hwg.org>
  todo: View Thread, Original
 I didn't ask the original question but I have had the same problem "losing"
 the layers palette (twice). I had dragged it right to the edge of the
 screen and it was gone forever. Checking view Layers palette didn't work.
 Nor does Shift+ Ctrl +A .The only thing that did was reinstalling the whole

 I dont understand your answer Buddy. Could you elaborate please?
Anne Newnham

Hi Anne,
Since the palette won't go any further than where the mouse pointer leaves
it, I've always been able to just place the pointer as far to the edge of
the screen as possible and sorta grasp blindly until I got it. Sometimes it
takes awhile, especially if I'm not sure of what general area I was in when
I dropped it, but eventually (so far) I've been able to find it.
I will admit though, a couple of times, I've came very close to simply
reinstalling the program.
     (To all who are wondering: I don't know - - I guess I just play with
the mouse a lot when I'm thinking!!)

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