Re: Non-profit web hosting?

by "Mike Kear" <choicemag(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 09 Mar 2000 11:14:04 EST
 To:  cybrmage(at),
  todo: View Thread, Original
You might like to try sponsorship in a different way.  An ISP will see your 
site as a revenue loss or a cost, since  he's providing a free service that 
he'd normally get money for.   You may or may not be able to persuade one to 
fund your group.  I know for a fact that any of the ISPs I deal with would 
laugh me out of the office.

But how about this instead .... go to a local company that has a web site, 
(perhaps one of the girls' parents company??)  and ask them to host your 
site on their company's web space.  They won't see it as a loss of revenue, 
since you're not getting something they'd normally charge you for.

IF you got someone to agree to sponsor your  girls to this extent, what 
you'd be asking them to do is let you have access to their server by FTP,  
to use say 5MB or 20MB of space (whatever you need) and allow you to have a 
domain name delegated to that folder.   You'd be using their server, their 
disk space, and some of their bandwidth.  Perhaps also have an email address 
aliased to your address.

And in return, they'd be making all those darling girls SOOOOO happy.  And 
the girls would **ALL** insist on their parents buying large .. no, VAST ... 
quantities of the company's products.  And can't they imagine the smiles on 
the girls faces as they discover the wonders of publishing their own site.  
And all because <insertnamehere> Inc helped them out.  They'll remember 
<insertnamehere> for the rest of their lives.

Just a thought.   That's how I'd approach it.  If you need help working out 
how to pitch it to the local companies, go to a sports field on a Saturday 
morning and talk to any of the parents about how they got their sponsored 
team strip for the little league baseball or the soccer team.  The same 
words will work for you.

Wouldn't hurt to say you're chipping in $x,000 worth of your time to design 
the site, either.

Mike Kear
AFP Web Development
Windsor, NSW, Australia

>On 8 Mar 00, at 13:46, Karen Ahrens wrote:
> > Can anyone recommend no-cost or very low cost web hosting (without
> > banner ads) for a non-profit group?
> >
> > I'm designing a website for my daughter's Rainbow Assembly (group for
> > girls 11-20) and am looking for hosting that won't cost the girls.
>Dear Karen and friends,
>My ISP hosts non-proifts in the area for free. That doesn't help you.
>But maybe there is an ISP in your area that does the same.
>Good luck!
>Bud Polk

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