Re: Let's try this pest?

by "Mike Kear" <choicemag(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 14 Jun 2000 10:58:37 EST
 To:  jwhitfield(at),
  todo: View Thread, Original

>Is this truly effective? It doesn't seem like most people appreciate the
>unsolicited mail.
>Just curious.

For me, I have no problem with the unsolicited part.  I get unsolicited 
approaches of many kinds every day.  I'm running a business and I get 
prospective clients and suppliers and contractors contacting me all the 
time.  I've met a lot of good people that way.

But I get annoyed at the idea that Ms Whitfield (who seems like a nice 
person, trying to develop her business) will be just trolling our list for 
email addresses, then sending out emails at random hoping that some of us 
will put our hand up interested in a new job.  I am assuming stuff here, but 
I think then, and only then will she start to find a job.

I have had the misfortune of dealing with headhunters like that many times 
over the years.  Ms Whitfield may be quite different (yeah right!) but my 
experience has been that they treat candidates like piece of meat, and 
employers like idiots.  The theory is "throw enough resumes and candidates 
at them and sooner or later one will hit the mark".  And for this they 
charge huge sums of money.

If the approach had been specific .. "I've seen your posts and I think I 
know what you're good at. I have a specific client who is looking for 
someone like you ..." is entirely different to the approach that Ms 
Whitfield is making.    But even then, if she can't actually NAME the 
client, I'm not interested.  I've been suckered into it a few times in my 
life and I'm  not going to be bandied about from one prospective employer to 
another until one finally says he might employ me.

I may be being unfair to Ms Whitfield (who incidentally doesnt actually NAME 
the "big 5 company" she's working for - IS she really??) but it just smells 
a lot like the impersonal, arrogant, useless meat markets that infest the 
employee-finding industry.

I have no objection to her being in that business, just wish she'd do her 
job a different way.

Mike Kear
AFP Web Development
Windsor, NSW, Australia
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