javascript & hit-stats

by erwin <erwmag(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 01 Feb 2000 07:16:51 +0500
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi everyone,
	I'm relatively new to Web designing. I've got a few questions for ya...

1) How do I automatically redirect a visitor to another page if he DOES NOT
have javascript? Basically, I'm creating two pages - one for javascript
haves and one for have-nots. Since majority (70%) of my visitors DO have
javascript, I don't want *them* to be redirected, but instead I want the
30% have-nots to be redirected. How do I go about this?

2) Is there any javascript or cgi code I can use to check if the user is
browsing online/offline?

2) I've started meddling with CGI scripts, and I'm planning on creating a
counter for my site (which also keeps track of related statistics)...
something like HitBox? I think I figured it all out except for two
important features which HitBox provides... "Time spent on site" and "Exit
Pages". Time-spent-on-site gives the total amt of time a visitor stays on
my site. Exit-Pages gives the distribution of pages where the visitors have
exited my site. So, how do I know when & where the visitors *leave*? I
don't mind javascript and cgi and html, but nothing more. I prefer not
using javascript since 30% of my visitors have disabled js. (I normally
count using an image tag to a cgi script) Any ideas?

Thanks in Advance :-)

.......=A4=A4=A4=A4=A4=A4=A4=A4       Erwin D'Souza
...=A4=A4=A4=A4=A4=A4         erwy(at)
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