Homesite 4.5 memory leak? and file uploads

by Stuart McDonald <stuart(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 30 Jan 2000 08:42:06 +0700
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi there,

Talking about buggy Homesite 4.5, any one else have a problem where upon
opening anything more than say a dozen files your system slows to a crawl
and, unless you shut down, will crash.

I used to use Hotdog 5.0 (BTW an outstanding editor) but switched to
Homesite as I could no longer put up with the same memory leak problem
(which Sausage is very well aware of if you visit their homepage)

A second problem is with regard to file uploads. On the team I work with
some use Dreamweaver 3 and upload with cute FTP while others use Homesite
4.5 and WS FTP, the files are uploaded in compact code (for example 250
lines of code) yet when it is downloaded again the code has magically
transformed itself into 700 and sometimes 1500!! lines of code! Hundreds
and hundreds of carriage returns are entered between the tags - luckily it
doesn't effect how the page looks!

Any suggestions on what could cause this? We're on a Windows NT server



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