cookie question

by Nate Harel <nate(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 29 Mar 2001 20:14:23 -0500
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi all,

I have not used cookies before and am just learning about them and have a 
question about their use.

I have an artist client who has about 50 paintings she wants displayed. I 
set up the gallery for them with a thumbnail index that brings up 
individual larger renditions of each painting.

I want to set a check box on each page that a viewer can check when they 
are interested in getting either additional information or want to 
purchase. On the "Order" page, I want to be able to read all the pages that 
were checked and send an email to the artist.

My understanding of cookies is that they hold limited information and you 
cannot store too many of them. So my question:
1) Can I append information to an existing cookie? In other words, can I 
have one cookie that stores ALL the check marks someone may make?
2) If not, then do I need to generate one cookie per check, and if so, do I 
then have to check for the existence of each cookie to determine whether 
they were checked?

Thank you


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